This Man Has a Key That Can Shut Down the Entire Internet

In case you
missed it, The Guardian ran
an almost unbelievable story last month about individuals from
around the world who hold keys that, when combined
into one master key, have the power to reset the internet. (Yes, this is a real
world thing and not the plot of an upcoming Dan Brown novel.)
And according
to ITV, one of the members of that powerful, international cohort is
this very perplexed looking British Paul Klane, a father of two, was
headhunted to be a part of the elite group that would be able to reboot the
internet in case of a major cybersecurity crisis. And the man’s wide eyes
indicates that he is keeping careful watch over his special key — that he
happens to store in a plastic bag.
of the 14 primary keyholders owns a traditional metal key to a safety deposit
box, which in turn contains a smartcard, which in turn activates a machine that
creates a new master key,” reports The Guardian. The master key is used to make sure
that the domain name system (DNS) — a phone book of IP addresses — is
The Guardian reports the
key holders, part of an organization called the Internet Corporation for
Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), meet four times a year in the U.S. over
pepperoni pizza and beer for an official key ceremony. And some of the members,
“chosen for their geographical spread
as well as their experience – no one country is allowed to have too many key
holders,” certainly seem like characters.
Eklund Löwinder, an Internet Hall of Fame member, was described as wearing “dangly
cat earrings”–pretty appropriate for someone who literally holds a key to the
course it is a bit romantic and thrilling to be a part of this, because I am a
romantic by heart,” she said. “I have to admit I love the internet.”
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