Woman dies after injecting Vaseline in at-home boob job attempt

The pressure on women to look perfect is as high as it's ever been and a tragic new story from Argentina proves that some will go to devastating measures to conform.
A 39-year-old mother has died after attempting to give herself an at-home boob job by injecting Vaseline into her chest. Sonia Perez Llanzon died several weeks later from a blood clot caused by the Vaseline entering her bloodstream. She was taken to hospital with breathing difficulties and it was discovered that the blood clot had reached her lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism.
Julio Pla, Head of Surgery at Lucio Molas Hospital in Santa Rosa, 350 miles south west of Buenos Aires, said: "The dead woman arrived at hospital with injuries to her breasts.
"She denied everything at first but then confessed she had injected Vaseline into them.
"I've never seen a case like this. The human body has antibodies to remove bacteria and viruses but it hasn't got any mechanisms against this type of product.
"Other people using Vaseline like this are putting themselves in danger."
Sonia's 20-year-old son Kevin Berazategui left a touching tribute on her Facebook page, saying: "I will love you for ever.
"The 20 years I spent by your side were beautiful."

Other than this moment of madness Sonia sounded fit and healthy. She was a runner and keen boxer, but an unnamed friend admitted she was obsessed with her appearance, and she suffered third degree burns last year from sunbathing.
It's not the first time Vaseline has been used by people desperate to make changes to their appearance. In the past men have attempted to increase the size of their penis by injecting the substance. But with death, tissue damage and erectile disfunction all known results, it's just not worth it.


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